Everyone is looking to you for answers.
How about easy access to data so you have the facts?
Build out practice areas and expertise. Get a combined view across all benefits, without tedious data integration work.
With the numbers work complete, go fuel innovation and strategy!
White labeling lets clients experience YOUR solution. Inject your brand into the user experience – logos, colors, urls, custom powerpoint and pdf report design templates – clients see you.
It doesn’t stop at brand impressions – everything out-of-the-box in Enlight is available as a starting point. Where you take it is up to you. Bring unique analytics right into the homepage, so clients get your value-add right up front.
As a benefits advisor, your analytic strategy can include a custom book of business data set. See communities aggregated as well as each individual community.
Serve specific geographies or industries? Create unique knowledge assets and advise clients based on how their metrics compare to your overall client base.
Benchmarks provide context and a point of reference. HDMS Enlight offers benchmarks out-of-the-box.
Use included benchmarks and even “bring your own benchmarks” data set to include as additional reference points.
Scalable analytics infrastructure, adapted to your business, and extendable for your future. It's like having your own IT team, but without the overhead.
Health data is complex but we've got your back to ensure the data details are looked after. You will stand at the leading edge of new possibilities with health data.
You are the experts for your clients. Our team makes your team look good. We take away day-to-day data headaches so you can focus on analytics and innovation.
Here are 3 things we recommend: