Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics let us spot Takki.

She’s always helping her family and enjoys time with friends.  But family and friends need her complicated condition managed so she will be there for them in years to come.

Meet Takki.

Getting people like Takki to the right care is critical.

But how do you find people who most need care when they don’t go to the doctors?


We can’t always see health risks walking around the office or warehouse.  Takki looks like lots of other hard working 27-year-olds.  But Takki has a heart condition.  Her health history shows a number of ER visits, diagnoses without follow ups, and no PCP utilization.


Predictive analytics let us find and help Takki.

Use Predictive Analytics to look ahead


Use data about the past to look ahead, with predictive analytics. 


Focus predictive efforts in places where you can make a difference. 

Predictive Models do the work

Send population health data through predictive models to anticipate what is likely to happen.  See statistical results specific to your population.  And even more amazingly – imprint actionable member-level predictions when running HDMS predictive models. How?  In addition to understanding the big picture, initiate care actions towards members who meet each segment criteria.

Marry predictions with proactive actions. 

Who is likely to have an emergency room visit?  An inpatient admission?  So what can you do to avoid these circumstances?  How can you engage this member before a prediction becomes a past event? Find rising risks in a population and take action to encourage a path to better health. Drive positive outcomes, reduce costs, or improve affordability and convenience of care.

Where do predictive analytics belong?

Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics are cool, but they need you.  You are the critical resource that can help your organization invest energy and effort around predictive analytics in the right places.

Great!  Um, where’s that?  It helps to think big picture.

Approach predictive analytics as an extension of a holistic strategy and cohesive platform.

Read about 3 different AI-driven predictive models in HDMS Enlight.

3 Predictive Models at work

A holistic strategy

Where can you make a difference?  What resources, recommendations, offers or alternatives can you offer a person? How can you improve the predicted state (if the prediction is negative) or increase the likelihood (if the prediction is positive)?  Think about what your organization can immediately take action on.

Watch this example showing predictive analytics layered into understanding trends in mental health.

A cohesive platform

  • Use your historical and trend analytics to orient and quantify where you have improvement opportunities. Uncover drivers and root causes, and determine if you can impact change effectively.
  • Build leading indicators to provide a near term view of how market trends are manifesting within your specific population, in places where you plan to implement predictive models.
  • Measure and monitor the effectiveness of disruptive actions that aim to positively influence predicted outcomes.
  • Evolve predictive models so predictions are trustworthy and reflective of the rapidly changing face of health care.

Learn about AI-driven predictive models

Learn how HDMS approaches AI-driven predictive analytics in Enlight.

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Predictive analytics – not your major in college?

Understand the basics and contribute meaningfully in meetings.


Watch this 20-minute video for executives and be confident. You’ll understand the basics of how these technologies work. Now you can have a point of view on where and how your organization can make investments in this emerging hot spot.

Learn about our latest model

Predicting Parental Leaves

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Predictive Analytics Resources

Watch | What every Executive should know about predictive analytics

Watch | A Cohesive Strategy for Predictive Analytics – Mental Health

Watch | Predict and Disrupt (Webinar on-demand)